Princess Cake

Loveschool recently wrote about making a Swedish Princess Cake. It sounded delicious but much too complicated for me to even think about making. Don't get me wrong, I love to bake and love a good challenge but this cake takes DAYS to make. I can barely think about what to cook for dinner yet trying to set aside time to make one of these babies. So after a few days, the thought of a princess cake evaporated from me wee noggin.
That was until today. We drove a friend of ours to that big blue box of a store known as IKEA. She wanted to buy some bookcases and couldn't fit them in her little car. So we offered to take her in our Subaru.
One bad thing about IKEA is that you spend so much time in there looking everything, you're starving by the time you get to the checkouts. The Ikea folks are pretty smart too, they have all these yummy Swedish goodies located just beyond the check out lanes. I wandered over there while we waited in line and was tempted by all the cookies and chocolates. But something caught my eye in a little freezer case, it beckoned me over......and there it was......Swedish Princess Cake. And it looked just like the one that Lovescool made and I didn't have to make it. There it was just sitting there begging me to take it home. So I did. What can I say......I was weak from hunger after trekking around IKEA for nearly two hours.
So now it sits tucked away in my freezer where it will stay until Wednesday when I have family coming for a visit. My nephew and his girlfriend are flying up from Tennessee for a week. So after we make some homemade pizza for dinner, the princess will make her grand appearance.
This will be a nice way to start off their vacation.
And for those of you who can read Swedish, this website was in the back of the box.
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