Homemade Pasta

First I placed 2 cups of flour (all-purpose) on the counter and formed a well in the center.

And as you can see in this picture, Sophie is my Sous-Chef. Always standing by to lend a paw or clean up anything that hits the floor.

In the center of the flour well add two beaten eggs, 1 tbsp olive oil and 2 tbsp water to start.

Slowly begin to incorporate the flour with the wet ingredients. Once they are mixed fairly well, get in there with your hands and finish combining everything. If the dough is too dry, sprinkle some water on it a little at a time.

Form the dough into a ball , wrap it in plastic and place it in the fridge for at least an hour.

Once it's been chilled, you can begin to roll it through the pasta maker. I usually divide the dough into about three sections and work with one section at a time. Starting at the lowest number on the pasta maker, roll the dough through the press. Fold it in half and repeat. Do this about 3-4 times then turn the dial one notch to the next number and repeat.

Do this until you get to the desired thickness of your pasta.

Now it's time to cut the pasta. I chose the linguini setting. This in the one step that having an extra set of hands is needed. One hand to turn the crank, one hand to feed the pasta through the slicer and one to two hands to hold the pasta as it comes out of the slicer. Once it's been cut you can throw it into a pot of boiling water for about a minute or two. Or you can hang it up to dry for later use. This is what I opted to do. Right now I have metal skewers sticking out of my kitchen cabinets with strings of pasta drying. My neighbors may wonder what the heck I'm doing.

You go, girl! I'm very impressed. I have an electric model that does all the mixing for you, then you pull a plug and it extrudes through a disk. But I haven't used it in years, so I don't even know if it works. Isn't homemade pasta just the best, though? You can definitely tell the difference.
I have one sitting in the back of the "black hole" cabinet, where all my rarely used implements go. It makes great pasta. I should get mine out too. Good job!.
good luck!
LOVE IT! I just had a class to learn how to make homemade pasta...I had already made my own on several occassions, but it always turned out different. The class taught me what I was flubbing up in the first five minutes. I was treating my dough to delicately. I have 1/2 a batch in the fridge for some pesto later this week!
Looks great. By the results it looks like you are a pro and have been doing this for a while. Good eats.
Homemade pasta rocks! I have the exact same model as you.
I've tried several times to make homemade pasta and it never comes out right. Always too floury tasting... Instead, I've taken to buying fresh pasta at little mom-and-pop Italian shops instead. Might as well support the people who know what they're doing.
I have the Mercato model, but it's basically the same thing. One trick I learned from a cooking class in Bologna: It's best to knead your pasta dough on a wooden board. The texture of the wood helps somehow.
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